× Extreme Heat Warning, California! Save energy to avoid power outages - after 4pm, avoid using big appliances and set your thermostat to 78 or higher. Learn more at flexalert.org.
--> × Announcement: New look coming to the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) in 2023. Read the important announcement here.
--> × DCA licensed professionals are being targeted by a new scam. Read the fraud alert here. -->Notice to Licensees Regarding CURES Version Update
Beginning August 1, 2024, all California dispensers of controlled substances will be required to report dispensations to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) using version 4.2B of the American Society of Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) format. On and after this date, data submitted using the current CURES ASAP version 4.1 format will no longer be accepted.
Prompt action by licensees who dispense controlled substances is recommended. Technical implementation of this update to data submission software may take considerable time. Contact your data submission software provider and confirm they are preparing for this upcoming ASAP version change.
For more information about the ASAP format change and suggested action steps for data submitters, please see the Department of Justice informational bulletin entitled “New File Format for Reporting to CURES” on the Office of the Attorney General's CURES Website.
Notice to Licensees Regarding CURES Login Page and Account Recovery Page Updates
On September 29, 2023, the CURES web application login page and account recovery screens will be updated. While CURES web application users will see new web pages associated with this update, the system login and account recovery (“forgot password” and “forgot username”) processes will be seamless for the user. The CURES web application URL will not change.
Informational bulletins, which include answers to frequently asked questions, are available at the Department of Justice CURES Program website. CURES users are encouraged to monitor the website for additional information and instructions prior to the implementation of this change. Please direct questions regarding these updates to the CURES Program at cures@doj.ca.gov or (916) 210-3187.
CURES Update: Interstate Data Sharing
The California Department of Justice (DOJ) has entered into an interstate data sharing agreement with the state of Oregon. This agreement authorizes the sharing of prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) information between California and Oregon. Oregon has identified the specific CURES users authorized to request Oregon PDMP data. These users now have the option to search the Oregon PDMP when searching a patient in CURES.
Detailed information about the launch of interstate data sharing and the specific list of CURES users authorized to access Oregon PDMP data are described in DOJ’s May 8, 2023, bulletin entitled, "Interstate Data Sharing With Oregon." CURES users may also view the Prescribers, Pharmacists, Non-DEA Practitioners, and Delegates User Guide (revised 4/2023 to contain instructions on Interstate Functionality).
The Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) fee will decrease from $11 to $9 annually for licenses expiring on and after July 1, 2023. The fee is assessed at the time of license renewal on licensees that prescribe, order, administer, or furnish Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV, or Schedule V controlled substances.
Most licensees will see an $18 CURES Fee due to the biennial renewal cycle. The fee covers the reasonable regulatory costs of the Department of Justice for operating and maintaining CURES, a critical element in the state’s effort to address the growing danger of opioid addiction stemming from prescription drug abuse.
For more information about CURES, visit: https://oag.ca.gov/cures.
Updated CURES Access and Use Regulations
Updated regulations pertaining to the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) became effective on August 15, 2022. The regulations revise and add to the CURES access and use regulations that took effect on July 1, 2020. The approved regulations and a bulletin summarizing the important and substantive changes can be found on the Office of the Attorney General’s CURES website.
CURES Optimization, New Requirements for Delegates, and First Login On/After April 11, 2022
The California Department of Justice (DOJ) will release the optimized Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) on April 11, 2022. Please refer to the DOJ guidance document “New Optimized Cures Being Released On 4/11/2022” for important information on new features of the optimized CURES, supported web browsers, and planned system downtime from Friday, April 8, 2022 at 5:00 PM, through Monday, April 11, 2022 at 8:00 AM.
In addition, CURES optimization will provide expanded Delegate functionality, through which Delegates will be authorized to directly access data in CURES. Practitioners currently utilizing a Delegate must enter into a new Delegate Agreement in order for their Delegate to have continued access to CURES beginning April 11, 2022. New Delegates may also be added via Delegate Agreement. For information about the Delegate access, please refer to the Quick Reference Guide which includes Delegate Agreement samples, and the DOJ guidance document “New Features and Requirements for Expanded Delegate Access.”
As part of the transition to optimized CURES, beginning on April 11, 2022, users will need to complete a few simple steps the first time they log into the system. For more information, please refer to the DOJ guidance document “First Time Login to the New Optimized CURES.”
If you have any questions about optimized CURES, Delegate Access, or browser accessibility, contact the CURES Program at cures@doj.ca.gov or (916) 210-3187.
Licensed healthcare practitioners with prescribing authority are subject to the e-prescribing requirements established by Assembly Bill (AB) 2789 (Wood, 2018). Beginning January 1, 2022, most prescriptions (including but not limited to prescriptions for controlled substances) issued by a licensed healthcare practitioner to a California pharmacy must be submitted electronically. For more information on this law and its requirements, please see the AB 2789 bulletin. Practitioners also can get answers to questions about complying with the law at Electronic Data Transmission Prescriptions (E-Prescriptions) – Frequently Asked Questions provided by the California State Board of Pharmacy.
Assembly Bill (AB) 528 (Low, Chapter 677, Statutes of 2019) expands access and use of the Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) effective July 1, 2021. Please see the Joint Bulletin for an update on implementation of system enhancements for delegates and non-Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) practitioners.
For more information on the current requirements for consulting CURES, please refer to the CURES Mandatory Use Brochure.
The Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES), maintained by the Department of Justice (DOJ), is a platform that tracks all Schedule II – V controlled substances dispensed to patients in California. Authorized prescribers, pharmacists, law enforcement, and regulatory agencies can view information in CURES including:
For assistance with CURES registration, access, or system use, contact the CURES helpdesk at CURES@doj.ca.gov or (916) 210-3187.
Registration is done through DOJ’s CURES Registration. Only licensed California prescribers and dispensers can register with CURES. (NOTE: If you are with a law enforcement agency or regulatory board and need CURES access, please contact the CURES helpdesk at CURES@doj.ca.gov or (916) 210-3187).
To register, licensed prescribers and dispensers will need:
DOJ will process your registration application and send email notification of its approval or denial.
Once you receive DOJ email notification of your approved registration, you can access CURES through DOJ’s CURES Login. Reference the Prescribers, Pharmacists, Non-DEA Practitioners, and Delegates User Guide for detailed information about navigating and using CURES.
Internet Explorer Information: Effective April 2022, the Internet Explorer web browser will no longer be allowed to access CURES. Additional details are available at: https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/media/optimized-cures-ie.pdf
CURES Optimization: Optimization of the CURES database is coming April 2022. Additional information about CURES optimization is available at: https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/media/optimized-cures-announcement.pdf
For data submission instructions or assistance with transmission issues, please contact:
Bamboo Health, Inc. – CURES Prescription Data Collection Vendor
Technical assistance is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. If you have questions or need assistance, you can:
An information hub for CURES submitters is also available from Bamboo Health at the following URL: https://pmpclearinghouse.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/4413199216915-CA-CURES-Submitters/
The optimized CURES database was released on April 11, 2022, and provides an improved user interface and new system features. Please note that the use of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer web browser will no longer be allowed to access the optimized CURES web application. Additional information about the optimized CURES is available here.
Upon logging in to the optimized CURES for the first time, existing system users will need to perform a few simple steps. These first-time login steps are described here.
The optimized CURES will include expanded Delegate functionality, through which Delegates will be authorized to directly access data in CURES. Additional information about the expanded Delegate functionality is available here.
To learn more about CURES, visit the following links:
You must be registered to use CURES, even if you do not actively prescribe or dispense, if you are a:
(California Health & Safety Code § 11165.1)
Any health care practitioner authorized to prescribe, order, administer, or furnish a controlled substance, with limited exceptions, including:
Note: This requirement does not apply to veterinarians or pharmacists.