Assessment Applications

In cases where a student's ability to demonstrate their true level of competence in an assignment or exam has been significantly impaired by medical, compassionate, or extenuating circumstances, modified arrangements may be provided.

Assessment application forms

Eligibility criteria and submission deadlines apply to all relevant student application forms. It is a students responsibility to have read and understood the Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment (MACA) Policy prior to submitting any of the below forms.

Information for staff

Application for replacement examination form

To request a replacement exam due to medical, compassionate, or extenuating circumstances, complete the Application for Replacement Examination Form. This form is only valid for centrally organised final exams, and can be submitted once the exam timetable has been made available in student MyAdelaide accounts.

Modified arrangements for coursework assessment

Application for assessment extension form

An Application for Assessment Extension Form should be submitted directly to your Course Coordinator for review if you require an extension to an assignment, coursework, or in-semester test/exam. Contact details for your Course Coordinator are available via the Course Outline.

Forms For Students

Last course application form

The Last Course Application Form is for coursework students who have received a Fail grade for one course in the final study period required to complete their program, and wish to apply for an Additional Assessment.

Assessment policies

If you sit formal exams at the University of Adelaide you must be aware of the current assessment policies. For an overview of what you can expect from the University and your responsibilities as a student, please see the student charter.

Assessment for Coursework Programs Policy

Assessment is a core academic activity and an essential component of the learning process. Its main purposes are to encourage student learning, to make judgements about student achievements, and to monitor the effectiveness of the learning environment. The Assessment for Coursework Programs Policy sets out the principles which underpin the University of Adelaide's approach to assessment, and the mandatory procedures which ensure that the principles are implemented.

Academic Integrity Policy

The Academic Integrity Policy sets out the obligations of coursework students when undertaking assessment tasks, including examinations, particularly the obligation of academic misconduct.

For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity web page.

Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment (MACA) Policy

The Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment (MACA) Policy describes the modified arrangements that the University may provide to a student in the event that their capacity to demonstrate their true level of competence in an assessment or examination was, is, or will be significantly impaired as a result of medical, compassionate or extenuating circumstances.

Reasonable Adjustments to Teaching and Assessment for Students with a Disability

The University of Adelaide is committed to continuing to support a diverse and inclusive community based on the principles of equity and non-discriminatory practice. The University aims to create and maintain a learning experience that is inclusive of the needs of students with a disability and which optimises their participation, retention and success through accessible and equitable learning, teaching and assessment practices. For further information relating to how the University applies Reasonable Adjustments to Teaching and Assessment for Students with a Disability, please refer to the Disability Support web page.