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Royal understands that successfully supporting your healthcare business is about more than just getting your data from point A to point B. It’s getting the right information to the right person, at the right time, utilizing automated and highly accurate workflow solutions designed to optimize patient and provider engagement through every step of the imaging lifecycle.

Self-Service Care

Royal helps you eliminate waste, achieving a 20% or higher bottom line improvement. By applying real-time self-service automation and implementing straight through processing methods to every step of the imaging lifecycle, Royal delivers on the promise of true automation for your Radiology practice.

ROI Assesment



White Paper

How Information Moves -
Straight Through Processing in Healthcare
Straight through processing in healthcare is enabled when every part of the customer journey is managed with real-time, self-service automation. Designed to engage the patient and the provider throughout the entire radiology workflow, Royal delivers straight through processing workflows to Imaging, achieving the true promise of self-service.

Learn how Royal achieves 20% bottom line improvements.